Ask Your Personal Herpes Questions Live!

Our Next Anonymous TikTok Live Is...

What are we up to?

Get Your Burning (no pun intended) Herpes Questions Answered Anonymously

The live is a place you can anonymously ask those questions you might be too embarrassed to ask anywhere else. Our live sessions on TikTok are designed to provide you with candid and insightful answers to your most embarrassing herpes questions.

How It Works?

  1. Payment:

    • Prior to your scheduled live session, submit a payment of $5.

    • Payment ensures your question will be addressed during the live session.

  2. Confirmation Email:

    • Reply to the email confirmation with your question.

    • Include your anonymous name; if none is provided, the name on the receipt will be used.

  3. Live Session:

    • Tune in to our TikTok live session to hear your question answered.

    • If you can't be present, a YouTube recording will be posted, and you'll receive an email with the timestamp for your question.

  4. Unanswered Questions:

    • In the event we can't address your question during the live session, a private video response will be filmed and sent to you within 24-72 hours.

A Quick Reminder

  1. Important Notes:

    • No legal questions will be entertained.

    • I am not a medical professional, so please consult your doctor for medical advice.

Types Of Questions I've Answered In The Past

While I regularly address common topics like Herpes 101 on social media, the Live platform is specifically designed for those questions you might find difficult to ask openly. Sample questions include:

  • How do I navigate a relationship after contracting herpes?

  • I cheated and have herpes; how do I share this with my partner, especially after she just gave birth?

  • I'm engaged, but I recently discovered I have an HSV. How do I tell my fiance, and should we postpone the wedding?

  • I'm struggling with body image issues post my herpes diagnosis, and it's affecting my relationship. I'm resentful that my partner doesn't have any issues with our herpes diagnosis. How do I open up to my partner about my insecurities?

  • I never told my husband I have genital herpes, we've been together 10 years and have 3 beautiful children. It's eating me alive but should I even tell him?

About Alexandra, Founder of Life With Herpes

Hi! I'm the creator of Life With Herpes and I'm on a mission to educate, entertain and connect with the underserved and often ostracized people living with herpes.

Yes, I have herpes too and I totally get what you are going through. I've been openly discussing and educating on this topic since 2017.

Having counseled over 2000 individuals, my mission is to provide empathetic support. With a Master's in Christian Theology and ordination as a minister, I bring a unique blend of personal experience and credibility to guide you through your journey.

Ask Your Anonymous Question for $5

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