NEW: Learn the Secrets of Nervous System Training to Combat Herpes ...

So That You Don't Have to Resort to Harmful Medications!"

If you want to take control your nervous system so that you can live without the fear of outbreaks, discomfort, or worsening symptoms, please watch every second of this video and read every word on this page because this may very well be the best way to proactively prevent herpes outbreaks ever!

What It Is

Improve your health and reduce herpes outbreaks by addressing disregulation of the nervous system.

It's not about feeling ashamed, traumatized, or stuck in a cycle of chronic stress.

We'll start by learning how to rewire deep-seated stress response patterns and heal nervous system disregulation at the root level.

But how does this help with your constant herpes outbreaks?

Here's where you'll dive deep into the complexities of your nervous system and its influence on herpes outbreaks. Discover powerful tools to overcome shutdown (chronic freeze), bid burnout farewell, and alleviate long-standing autoimmune challenges.

But the magic doesn't stop there...

Because when you change the way your nervous system functions — instead of just putting a band-aid or taking the antiviral on your survival (stress) response over and over — you change the foundation of your entire operating system…

Through applied neurology, somatic practices, and trauma-informed meditation, you'll reframe how your body responds to stress and restore nervous system harmony. As a result, living fully expressed while feeling relaxed becomes your new normal.

What It Will Do For You

  1. Learn practical science-based tools to train your nervous system for resilience and decrease stress.

  2. Resolve pain and develop practices to get out of unwanted behavior like social scrolling, binge eating, overtraining, overworking, and burnout.

  3. Resolve self-limiting outputs, develop more control over your responses and behaviors, and create new relationship patterns (because you’re rewiring trauma patterns in the brain and body).

  4. Stretch your capacity for change, somatic expression, emotional processing and growth.

  5. Increase your decision-making and leadership skills, and become more connected and present.

  6. Connect with a community of growth-oriented people working together to heal their nervous system.

  7. Process emotions somatically, feel better in your body, and experience pleasure, joy, and play again.

How It Works

  1. Live Classes and Q&A Sessions 5 Days/Week

  2. You'll gain the tools to train your nervous system + brain for resilience through
    LIVE & on-demand classes with our founder and lead facilitator, Elisabeth

  3. You'll also send you a (FREE) guide that walks you through exactly what you need to do, day-by-day, to begin dismantling the systems of disregulation you've internalized, and build more capacity in your nervous system to set yourself up for real transformation.

Sign Up Now & Get Instant Access

Neuro-Somatic Flow

Neuro-somatic mat flows to process stress and emotions through the body, resolve trauma and decrease pain.

Emotional Processing

Neuro-somatic resets and meditations to improve nervous system health and resilience.

Neuro Training

Applied Neurology training sessions to heal deficits in your unique nervous system. See better, balance better, move better, and feel better.

The Investment

This is normally at $137/month!

But for the Life With Herpes Community, Elisabeth is offering 2 weeks for FREE!!!!

The research shows that by addressing nervous system disregulation—a common but often overlooked factor in health issues like herpes outbreaks—you can unlock the key to managing symptoms and improving your overall quality of life.

We are so passionate about offering a transformative opportunity to take control of your health and well-being, especially if you're living with herpes that we want everyone to know what it feels like to kick out of the fight or flight.

So it really is a no brainer to sing up... it's free!!! 

About Elisabeth Kristof


Elisabeth Kristof, MA, is a renowned expert in nervous system health and behavior change, known for her transformative work at Brain Based. As the co-host of the Trauma Rewired podcast, she educates audiences on trauma, the nervous system, and effective healing methods. With over a decade of experience, she's a certified applied neurology and somatics practitioner, specializing in stress management and emotional regulation. Elisabeth's holistic approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind and body, guiding clients toward resilience and well-being. Her Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Certification course, accredited by the ICF, empowers coaches to facilitate profound transformations for their clients.

TAKE ACTION. Your Future Self Will Thank You

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